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As Petrich mentioned, the Israelites not only saw insects, but they ate them cf. Mark 1:6; Leviticus 11:22, which means they would have seen them up close and personal. Are we to believe that when the Israelites caught, cleaned, and put locusts up to their mouths, they never realized how many legs these insects had?The writer of Leviticus would have known this as surely as Americans know that beef comes from cows which walk on four legs. So why did Moses use the term four to describe creatures with six legs?Likely for the same reason we refer to certain arthropods as having 100 or 1,000, legsMoses was using a colloquial expression like one might hear on a farm; he was not writing a technical, scientific paper on the anatomy of insects. Idiomatic expressions were as prevalent in ancient times as they are in modern times. Today, we identify certain creatures as centipedes meaning hundred feet, yet the total number of legs in most species is closer to 30 than to 100 Millipedes and Centipedes, 2008.

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Professional Land Surveyors have been kept alive by things subsurface. Not minerals or oil or stuff like that but 1/2 iron rods set just below the surface so Joe Homeowner will not sue the guy who put it there because Joe Homeowner wont hit it with a lawnmower. That said there is a residual value to this type of subsurface surveying to all the PLSs of the world who deal in real property surveys. The fact is these iron rods or pipe represent Property Rights above and subsurface when are used to mark the corners of real estate. Because they are invisible to all of this hi tech Lidar and other new field data collecting devices that, at 1000 XYZ coordinates a second, are keeping field data collecting PLSs setting at their desk wondering what the hell has happen. And this is the very reason the airborne drowns, cars, trucks and all manor of mechanized field data collection systems will not for now replace feet on the ground. As GIS becomes more user friendly the applications will surely follow. This is not good news for land surveyors. To be sure computer technology has made the tedious simple and the digital revolution has made the storage and retrieval of a universe of information a mouse chick away. Even so when it comes to Digital Mapping in the USA what you think you see may not necessarily be what you get. This is particularly true of property lines drawn on public and private online image maps.
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