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The story can now be progressed by considering the oldest Grant of Arms in sovereign history an entitlement which denoted the Messianic Dragon bloodline for all time. The Sumerians referred to this insignia as the Gra al,but biblical history refers to it as the Mark of Cain. This Mark is portrayed by the modern Church as if it were some form of curse,but it is not defined as such in the Bible. Genesis actually relates that,having got into an argument with Jehovah over a matter of sovereign observance,Cain feared for his life. Consequently, the Lord placed a mark upon Cain,swearing sevenfold vengeance against his enemies. It has never been fully understood why Jehovah should decide to protect Cain when it was he who held the grievance against him. But the fact is that Jehovah did not make this decision;the mark was settled upon Cain by the Lord and the Lordthe Adon was not Jehovah but Cain's own Father, En. Ki. Few people ever think to enquire about the supposed enemies of Cain as defined in Genesis. Who could they possibly have been?Where would they have come from?According to the Bible only Adam and Eve,along with their sons Cain and Abel,existed and Cain had apparently "killed" Abel. Therefore, if one accepts the text as it stands,there was no one around to be Cain's enemy!The Sumerian Gra al,which biblical tradition calls the Mark of Cain,was an emblem dignified as the Cup of the Waters, or theRosi Crucis the Dew Cup,and it was identified in all recordsincluding those of Egypt, Phoenicia and theHebrew annalsas being an upright, centered Red Cross within a Circle.

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Proton also has gained back some of its lost market share this year after it launched two low priced models, allowing the national car brand to ride on a recovery in the Malaysian automotive industry. Turnover: 11% increase in turn over this year, combined turnover was 409. 9 billionMarket Share: Proton has a huge domestic market and reaping the benefits of being national car manufacturer by utilizing government provided subsidies. Malaysia's national carmaker may soon be in the hands of Europe's largest automaker, Volkswagen AG. Because the competition in the said market has led to the declining market share for the Malaysian automaker. The Malaysian government has been looking for an international automaker which is interested in buying 43 percent share in Proton which the government currently owns. Research MethodsWe have collected information by generating questionnaires and distributing them among existing users of Perdana V6 and potential consumers as well to find out what they expect from the product. A further direct interview of existing Perdana owners was also conducted. We also collected articles from the internet, news papers, magazines and existing reports and projects done by our seniors from the college library. Questionnaire analysis: Sample size was 20 randomly chosen Proton Perdana owners and prospective owners. Analysis of field Research primary dataGender Male female 66.
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He also organized public lectures. From a young age he shared the ideas of Narodniks about the pernicious role of Jews in the economic life of the Russian peasantry. These ideas laid the foundation for the dogmas of the Judeo Christian movement of the 1880s The Spiritual Biblical Brotherhood. Portugalov deemed it necessary to free Jewish life from ritualism, and believed that Jewry could exist and develop a culture and civilization only after being dissolved in European peoples he had meant the Russian . A substantial reduction in the number of Jewish conversions to Christianity was observed during the reign of Alexander II as it became unnecessary after the abolishment of the institution of military cantonists and the widening of Jewish rights. And from now on the sect of Skhariya the Jew began to be professed openly too. Such an attitude on the part of affluent Jews, especially those living outside the Pale of Settlement and those with Russian education, toward Russia as undeniably a homeland is noteworthy. And so it had to be noticed and was. In view of the great reforms, all responsible Russian Jews were, without exaggeration, patriots and monarchists and adored Alexander II. M. N.