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I was angry. I was frustrated. I started living life to the fullest for the wrong reasons. I was selfish, competing in adaptive athletics to try to be better than the top competitors. I thought I was invincible putting myself in dangerous situations with no regard for my safety. Then things changed.

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He pushed the door open wider and stepped cautiously into the room. He felt for a light switch on the wall but found none. Why didnt I bring a flashlight, he berated himself angrily. Tommy crossed the old wooden floor and opened a set of double doors to his right. The sweet scent of roses filled the air. Outside, the wind began to howl, and raindrops splattered against the large plate glass window on the other side of the room.
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Editor: Dr. Vathana FennARCHETYPES IN FANTASY FICTION: A STUDY OF J. R. R. TOLKIEN AND J. K. Desai, and M. A. Schwartz 2007 Endometase/Matrilysin 2/MMP 26 is aPutative Biomarker for Early Stage of Cancer of Human Breast and Prostate. II Ciocco, in Lucca Barga, Italy. June 3 8, 2007.
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Thanks for sharing!This is such a good idea!Ive thought about doing this with my daughter, but weve never done it. Maybe this weekend?!I have a vision board, so why shouldnt she?That was the exact thought I had before creating the vision board with my son. If its good for me, its good enough for him too!Another brilliant post!Thank you, Yanique!I will be using these for myself as well as my 3 year old. This is so important for everyone to learn and especially helpful for those with attention disorders like myself. new goal: remember to make goals lol. Thanks for this awesome and educational read!I use to have to do this with my older kids especially my daughter. I completely forgot about setting goals and using visual aids. Thank you for another great post and sharing your wonderful idea about using a visual board. Ill have to do this with my little one. Great tips!This is a nice training for kids to set goals. Thanks for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party.
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Here's a small sample:India: As noted above, when it comes to multiple body parts, you have the many headed hydra. However, one culture in particular seems to revel in multi headed and/or multi armed gods or creatures ancient Indian as in subcontinent mythology. For example, the Nagas of India were multi headed cobra like snakes. Brahma had multi heads; Shiva had multi arms; ditto Durga, Kali, Lakshmi, and Yama. Agni and Ravana have multi heads and multi arms. Peru: Ancient Peru had a pot load of half and halves. There were owl headed supernatural folk healers; unreal monsters shown flying through the air with falcon wings and tails attached; sculptures of half human half feline beings. In fact you had the flying felines known as the Ccoa, somewhat larger than a domestic cat with a winged body. The Ccoa was one of many frequent appearances of flying creatures containing human, feline and bird characteristics. There must be something about Mesoamerica that has a thing about felines. The mysterious Olmecs have images of a human body but with feline facial features.