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In trend terms, approvals for private sector dwellings excluding houses fell 0. 1 per cent in December. In contrast, approvals for private sector houses rose 0. 1 per cent. Private sector house approvals rose in Queensland 0. 8 per cent, Victoria 0. 7 per cent and South Australia 0. 5 per cent but fell in Western Australia 1. 8 per cent and New South Wales 0. 2 per cent in trend terms. The seasonally adjusted estimate for dwelling approvals rose 9.

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The creation of this orchestra made a profound impact on the development of musical radio programmes. Several years later, it was this orchestra due to which the majority of composers and musicians, such as Niyazi, Fikret Amirov, Said Rustamov, Ashraf Abbasov, Agabaji Rzayeva, Jahangir Jahangirov, Suleyman Aleskerov, Nariman Azimov started their creative career in radio. Such well known arts workers of that time as Jabbar Garyagdyoglu, Alesker Abdullayev, Magomed Kechechi ogly, Said Shushynski, Guseynaga Gajybababekov, Guseyngulu Sarabski, Bulbul, Gurban Pirimov, Niyazi, Saltanat Gajar, Zulfu Adygozalov, Zulfugar Sariyev, Alovset Sadygov, Yaver Kalenterli, Jahan Talyshynskaya, Javahir Firudinbeyli, Akhmed Bakihanov, Bahram Mansurov, Teyub Damirov, Akhad Aliyev and Azerbaijan State Opera and Ballet Theatre orchestra. On the initiative of Muslim Magomayev on March 4, 1993, at 8 pm, mugham concert was organized under the title Chahargaha Evening on the radio. On the concert the following performers took place: singers Jabbar Garyagdyoglu, Meshedi Bilal, artists Huseyngulu Sarabski, Zulfi Adygozalov, Yaver Kelenterli, Zulfugar Sariyev, tari players Gurban Pirimov, Akhmed Bakykhanov, Bahram Mansurov, Khosrov Melikov, kamancha players Gylman Salakhov, Hafiz Mirzaliev, and others. It is Muslim Magomayev who hired Huseyngulu Sarabski, Huseynaga Hadjibababekov, Yaver and Munevver Kelenterli, Zulfugar Saryev, Alovsat Sadygov, Bike Samedzadeh on radio. He tried to improve radio by its broadcasting better music works. After studying 400 pieces of music, received on the radio, only 100 remained. Magomayev did not forget to order composers new songs and works. Mammad Said Ordubadi, who was the head of editorial staff of Literature Programmes, along with poems, stories, satirical articles, wrote spectacles for radio. The writer, whom everybody called Mirze with great distributed roles for actors and broadcasters in advance.
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Cleaning your evaporator coils is important but not something everyone feels comfortable doing. Learn how we make mon Home cleaning products might offer amazing results but sometimes you have all you need in front of you. If you have a clamp on amp meter use it to compare the amperage draw of the unit to the rated amount on the specifications plate provided by the manufacturer if there is more than a 25 difference you may consider having it professionally serviced if The most important thing here is to clean the condenser coil. video details how to clean your ac inside your house without removing the coil. 1 can of evaporator AC cleaner or evaporator cleaner kit Drain pan Replacement cabin Sep 16 2013 5. Some are complicated some are cheap and simple and the last one is so out there that you 39 ll just have to try it. Cleaning a window A C unit regularly can extend its working life along with letting it work better at cooling a space and run quieter. This acid coil cleaner removes dust dirt grime grease and oxidation fromaluminum or copper coils and fins ofcooling units and air conditioners. Apply Lysol All Purpose Cleaner to the coils on the back of the unit and scrub with a stiff brush. Avoid using spray cleaners on the front of the air conditioner and don t put too much water on the cloth as it can drip into the unit and cause damage. It was a helpful article for anyone with central A C but Unplggd reader Amanda H pointed out that we completely neglected many small cool dwellers with window or free standing air conditioning units.
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Opinion of the High School Teachers about the Cancellation of the SSLC Examination . M. Raj Kumar, M. A. , M. Ed.