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Thanks for the on the website and sharing your thoughts. First off, excellent read. Was to be expected for some to flex those opinion muscles. Its been proven fact that truths can cut like a knife. Especially when subconsciously you can relate, whether you like it or not. Its an eye catching topic that clearly is directed for self reflection.

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Some immediate concerns are stated next. Failure Criteria for Cesspools: If the waste level is within 12" of the inlet pipe near the top of a cesspool the system is at end of life and needs to be replaced. Some municipalities and experts will state other distances. In Massachusetts according to the Massachusetts Title 5 Septic Law the following are considered a failed or unacceptable cesspool installation:The pit may be site built of stone or dry laid concrete block, rubble filled, or constructed of safer pre cast concrete. Design may be similar to that of a cesspool, described above, but only gray water and not sewage is discharged into a drywell. DRYWELL DESIGN and USES in many areas are a misnomer since during wet weather as water tables rise, the "drywell" is not very dry and in fact may fill up with water and simply stop working. In wet areas of the Northeastern U. S. , for example, I disagree with the practice of "solving" a roof drainage disposal problem at a flat site by building a "drywell" since in my experience these fail rather soon and in some cases even fill up and work backwards, sending water back to a building footing drain or roof drainage system where water then leaks into the building!In many states including my own New York, focus has traditionally been on successful "disposal" ofeffluent which has received Level 1 treatment by a septic tank. Successful onsite wastewater "disposal" meanswe don't see the waste water on the surface of a property and that a dye test does not detect it beingdischarged into nearby surface streams or lakes. But successful onsite wastewater treatment means we are not contaminating the ground water.
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GandS's jewelry will be special as the customer will be able to re use it over and over again and dye and re dye it to suit his requirements, without spoiling the natural look. For making our product eye catching, we will make use of semi precious, transparent and/or opaque crystal gemstone that will be coated with a special paste providing a natural precious look to the gemstones. Glisten and Shine provides a unique product concept in a relatively maturing jewelry industry. This will give us an edge because customers are in that stage where they want something trendy as Pornification of Women in Western MediaThe Pornification of Women in Mainstream Western MediaSexuality is a normal part of life for every male and female. egardless of where he or she lives, or even what age a person is, will be a need. It is a known biological fact.
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The worst pulp novelists have to start from some image of ordinary peoples lives, however distorted, if they are to find a mass audience. The most reactionary priests are only effective insofar as they can provide illusory relief to the real problems of their parishioners. This leads to all sorts of contradictions within the ruling ideology. Some of its most prominent proponents can be those who make most efforts to relate to peoples lived experiences. The ideology itself encourages social scientists, historians, writers, artists and even theologians to make enormous efforts to fit empirical observation and experience into their accounts of reality. But this inevitably leads to contradictory accounts, with some of the ideologues beginning to question some of the tenets of the established ideology. Marx recognised that a great writer or artist is able to reflect all the contradictory experiences that beset people who live in his or her society, and, in the process to begin to go beyond the limits set by his or her class position. In a few cases this even leads them to a break with their own class and to identify with the revolutionary opposition to it. A scientific understanding of social development demands a complete break with the whole method of the pseudo social sciences of those who defend the existing social order. But that does not mean that we can neglect the elements of truth that those who practise these disciplines stumble across. Still less can we ignore the often quite profound grasp of the social process to be found in certain non Marxist historians or in great novelists like Balzac or Walter Scott.
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People know that weather forecasters rarely get it right, yet continue to tune in to see what these fallible seers have to say about the meteorological outlook. People know, or should, that economic forecasters were invented to make weather forecasters look good, yet they continue to pore over the prognostications of those who have gotten it wrong as if past performance tells us nothing about the difficulty of predicting the course of an advanced industrial economy. 9 April 2007, Tulsa OK World, For some things, get an expert:I adhere to the premise of the skeptic who claimed that economics was invented to make astrology look like a real science. The Nobel QuestMichael Press 03 Sep 2007 08:07 GMTEconomics was invented to make astrology look good. The AmericanThe Great Recession of 2008?By Diana Furchtgott RothFriday, December 21, 2007 . The old saying goes that economic forecasters were invented to make meteorologists look accurate. When the weather reporter predicts snow, one can look outside to see if the forecast is correct. But when an economist predicts a recession, the only verification is the opinion of other economists. Unlike snow, no one can be sure when a recession has begun, or when it has ended. Cafe HayekEconomics was invented to make meteorology look good. Boom.