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"She says: "I can't stand queues, I come in once, try it on then shop around and get the best deal online. It still saves time and money but I know it fits. "Nearly two thirds of adults who set New Years resolutions have set fitness goals as part of their resolution, according to bodybuilding. com, but 73 percent of them give up before meeting their goals. Why do these resolutions fail?Of the respondents in the online study, 43 percent say its too difficult to follow a diet or workout regimen; 38 percent say its too hard to get back on track once they fall off; and 36 percent say its hard to find time. Local fitness experts have shared their advice on setting and meeting realistic goals, why nutrition is an important key to success and how workout regiments, including CrossFit, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, BodyPump, High Intense Resistance Training and High Intense Interval Training can provide variety in a routine while burning calories in less time. What is the key to being successful in your fitness goals?We believe that there are four things that give you the best chance to meet your fitness goals. 1. Define and write down what it is that you want and WHY!The WHY is very important and helps to motivate you when you dont feel like exercising. 2. Clean up your eating habits!Dont diet that could kill your metabolism.
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The Immediate Past President shall become Acting President in the event of the President and Vice President's absence, resignation or disability. S/he shall advise and consult with the President, serve as a member of the Bylaws Committee, serve as a liaison to the Board of Medical Advisors, and perform such duties as shall be assigned by the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint a Nominations Committee each odd numbered year at the first quarter meeting. The Chairperson of this committee shall report the slate of nominees to the Board of Directors at the second quarter meeting of that yearThe Nominations Committee must place in nomination the name of at least one 1 person for the offices of President Elect, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and the Association's Alternate Delegate, and at least two 2 persons for the office of Medical Advisor. Additional nominations may be made from the floor of the Board of Directors. Only active members of the Association in good standing and who are licensed by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation hereafter referred to as IDFPR and are a current Board member or have served as a Board member within the last year shall be eligible for nomination. On written petition of ten 10 or more voting members or five 5 percent of the voting membership whichever is the greater number filed with the President prior to the second quarter meeting, any other member or members may be nominated. If a nominating petition is so filed, said nomination shall be placed on the ballot. The Nomination Committee's slate shall be communicated to every active member in good standing and eligible to vote. Active membership, good standing, and eligibility to vote shall be determined by the most current membership list obtainable from the Association. The President shall appoint an impartial Elections Committee, which shall check the eligibility of each ballot and tally the votes.
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In general, they are not necessary, but still a good idea. In some traditions they are known as the Old Ones. Those who were the fathers and the mothers of the Beginning, The Spirits who Were, before the first spirit. Some traditions say that the Watchers are an ancient race who have evolved beyond the need for physical form, or that they are our own ancient ancestors who have passed beyond the circle of rebirth. Other traditions hold that they are the Adjatti or "eyes" of the Lord and Lady of the realms of night. Nowadays in Wicca the Watchers are simply thought to be the Elementals, creatures of pure elemental energy. Each element has its own: Sylphs for Air, Salamanders for Fire, Undines for Water, and Gnomes for Earth. " Guardians of the Watchtowers, Elementals, Calling the Quarters By House Shadow Drake. "In archaic Roman religion, small towers were built at the crossroads, and an altar was set before them upon which offerings were given to nature spirits. Guardian spirits known as Lares were associated with these towers and with demarcation in general, as well as seasonal themes related to agriculture. Here we may find a connection between the Lares and the Grigori of Italian Witchcraft.