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Friends and Parents are topic that our class discussed with Kacie and Jasmin last Thursday. Two leaders had a great presentation, they given six questions, each person managed three questions to discuss with class, which made classmates did not feel boring. The topic was also familiar with our life so most of people in class participated and responded aggressively. Everyone in class agreed that both friends and parents affected our life. Parents will affect us when we are young and friends will influence our life when are mature. When we are mature, we have a lot of new friends and often spend much time on school and outdoor activities, event several people do not live with their parents. This makes us did not have much time in family to talk with parents so parents will less influence our life when we are mature. A podcast is a collection of digital media files which is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers. The term, like "radio", can refer either to the content itself or to the method by which it is syndicated; the latter is also termed podcasting. The host or author of a podcast is often called a podcaster. Podcasting is online audio content that is delivered via an RSS feed.
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Siddall, charged with causing a disturbance yesterdayduring the dog watches. " Came the time honouredquestion to a defaulter from the Commander:"What have you to say for yourself?" Thereis a lower deck repartee attached to this question,said mentally of course: "And he, calling nobodyon his behalf and all the same if he had done wasfound Guilty. " Which, when translated, meansthat no matter what excuse could be thought of, itmattered not. My reply to the Commandersquestion was simply that I was continuing a customwhich had apparently been going on since timeimmemorial. But it was not acceptable; I was guiltyof the charge and the Commander ordered me to do twodays of extra drill in the dog watches. Joss shouted,"On Cap," which I did in another drillmovement, "Right Turn" and "QuickMarch" out of the office. Being the Class Leader I was thefirst to be heard and "weighed off" lowerdeck jargon for being awarded punishment. Theremainder of the class was dealt with in turn, eachbeing given the same award. Our Station Cards wereconfiscated and we were told to listen for the order:"Defaulters to muster in the Drill Shed",which would sound off in the dog watches. Once outside the office andmustered, it was back to the Parade Ground and moredrill. By this time we were into intricate movementslike "At the halt on the right form squad.