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Hand gestures are a small thing that can have a big impact on your job hunt or other business endeavor. To make sure your gestures are working for, not against you, practice speaking in front of a mirror and train yourself to use positive, non confrontational gestures at the appropriate time. If you are a workforce professional, consider sharing this article with your colleagues and the job seekers with whom you work. If you have other favorite resources or an example about body language best practices, please share in the comments. Is it your turn to present at the staff meeting?Are you giving a talk at a business conference or job fair?Were you asked to prepare a presentation for a job interview?Whether youre workforce center staff, an employer, or a job seeker, you will run into occasions when you need to talk in front of other people. All of us know the protracted pain of poor presentations, so to win at your next presentation, we suggest keeping these five steps in mind:Check out our Proposing and Presenting board on Pinterest for more advice and a collection of cool, free online presentation tools. We look forward to putting our words into action and giving top notch presentations at the upcoming Spring Meeting in KCMO. If you have any advice or recommended resources, leave us a comment. October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month NDEAM, a time to focus on the value that workers with disabilities bring to the workplace. With nearly 20% of the working age population represented by people with disabilities think one in five, employing workers with disabilities is a timely and important topic to the workforce development community. Disability employment is an important facet of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act WIOA, as explored in Section 188, which was originally enacted with Workforce Investment Act WIA in 1998 and continues to apply to the updated WIOA legislation of 2015.
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An addiction is a type of uncontrolled and unhealthy habit. Its well known that people can become addicted to drugs, such as alcohol, narcotics and the nicotine in cigarettes. Whats not so well known: People can be addicted to behaviors, says James Roberts. Hes a marketing professor at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. Roberts also was the lead author of the new study. It appears in the August Journal of Behavioral Addictions. Some cell phone users show the same symptoms that a drug addict might have, Roberts explains. Certain people use smartphones to lift their moods. And it may take more and more time on those phones to provide the same level of enjoyment. For such people, losing a phone or having its battery die could cause anxiety or panic. Thats withdrawal, says Roberts.
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It is nicest if you buy your ugg boots right after winter when there might even be ugg on sales event after the holiday upsurge. If a man who is 56 yrs. young and has gray hair and wants to get rid of it and have it colored, what do the women out there think. I dont like the gray hair and am physically fit , I can out work most men and want to make myself look better, single also. It does not follow that because we do not subsidize smoking, we should not regulate unhealthy activities. Costs and savings are not the only variable. The fact that obesity creates costs is merely an additional reason to regulate it, not the only one. Most boots have a heel that is clearly distinguishable from the rest of the sole, even if the two are made of one piece. Traditionally made of leather or rubber, modern boots are now made from a variety of materials. Do you go to the little chest as well as a even larger a person?The amount of time, the best way small are the thighs the thing is tha . What if you wish ones thighs never to glance consequently quite short?Try a string bikin .
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Architects can use the software to investigate what a building could be made of or how its natural lighting could be maximized. Or they can virtualize window dimensions and ceiling heights and the way a structure is heated and cooled. ?In any project, there are a million possibilities,?says architect ?Matthew Pierce of?Perkins + Will Phil Bernstein, an architect and vice president at the software maker?Autodesk, believes parametric technology will help make new buildings more environmentally sustainable. This is crucial, given that buildings account for 40 percent of the world?s energy use and one third of all carbon dioxide emissions. The current industry standard for energy efficiency is?LEED?Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Architects who use green features like drought ?tolerant plants and efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems can apply for LEED certification. But critics of this approach point out that it?s hard to measure the outcomes. Parametric technology might provide more precise metrics. How much energy will a building actually need?Or how much might it generate?How much water will it use?These things can be determined during the design process and rapidly optimized?you can adjust the model until you get the results you?re looking for. That was the case with Perkins + Will?s design for the?Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences, in East Boothbay, Maine. The firm used software called?Ecotect?Analysis now owned by Autodesk to model everything from thermal performance to daylighting?the practice of placing?windows?or other openings in such a way that?natural light can reliably illuminate the interior.