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Anyone with particularly rare orunlisted items or variations, please contact the compiler of this list,with details for adding to the bibliography. , . Ida Rentuol Outhwaite stated in 1917: "'I remember the firstthing of mine that appeared. I was 13 when a friend of ours sent it toan English magazine, and they reproduced it. It was so funny a row ofchildren on a bough. " She also stated in 1947 that ". a friend printedone of my drawings in an English children's magazine before I wastwelve. " i. e. prior to 9 June 1900. 'Hapax Legomena', or, 'The Unsophisticated Sophist'", by"Protococcus", with sketches by "Aphrodite", 1902.
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Recent scholars noted the need for an engaged workforce to achieve optimal performance in various institutional fields. Within the sports industry, organizations often rely heavily on volunteers as a vital resource to accomplish goals and missions Cuskelly, 2004; Doherty, 2009. The sport volunteer literature demonstrates the broadness of the field but also shows the increased demand for volunteers to aid staging events, even as the recruitment pool of volunteers is generally decreasing. Relatedly, it is in the best interest of organizations to maintain and manage volunteers to stay efficient Chelladurai, 2006 because the need for this human resource continues to . The Ocean Lifeguard Intervention Continuum: A Cognitive Aid For Surf Lifeguard Education,William A. Koon, Ryan M. Gates, Shane Scoggins, Paul Andrus, Jack A. Futoran2020University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; California State Parks, Sacramento, California, USA,Ocean lifeguards are constantly engaged in beach risk analysis, required to efficiently evaluate a variety of environmental and other factors quickly in order to triage and prioritize who needs help. Teaching these skills is a challenge for introductory training programs. We sought to improve new lifeguards understanding of the interaction of various risk components in the beach environment and aid decision making related to when a lifeguard should intervene in a situation. We developed a two part cognitive aid for introductory ocean lifeguard education depicting individual and interacting elements of a beach goers risk of drowning or injury and the process .
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For example, some herbal extracts and essential as Rosemary and lavender, for example, have been demonstrated to trigger brain vigilance oils and an increase in the electrical activity of the effects of the aromatherapy nerveux. Les system are constantly noticed on groups of people who are exposed to the inhalation of a perfume. Afterwards, researchers can measure the level of relaxation or vigilance, depending on the substance, that the subjects were exposed. Since for all the senses, smell is the first to influence our health and emotions, which makes it perfect to use for the purposes of gurison. Les tools to operate these changes on our body are aromatherapy oils or essential oils are volatile substances primarily extracted from or pressing steam distillation. Aromatherapy oils applications are extremely large, but the most common and popular to use are care, massage and body with all that they include: perfumes, lotions, body, hair shampoo bath, salts and much more. In this context, the attribute of aromatherapy oils which seems definitely overused is relaxation and an uplifting. Last but not least, the combination of massage and aromatherapy for cases of depression has been one of the happiest and rented so far. Massage opens the energetic channels, stimulates the pressure points and allows a direct and fast aromatic oils of the skin surface passage into the bloodstream. Relaxation through massage level is much higher than that resulting from aromatherapy alone since more sense are stimulated at once. Constant therapeutic aromatherapy massage sessions could actually a help to get rid of troublesome depressive episodes.
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5" dia; original invented, designed, and handmade by Alfonso Bialetti in Crusinallo, Italy in 1933; current version machine made of aluminum with a rounded, heat insulating bakelite handle. Collection of Christina and Howard Risatti. Does the setting play a role in enhancing the experience of eating as a form of social interaction and discourse or is it simply a socially pretentious conceit?1. Tom Alward b. 1987, Plate, 2008 1" x 10. Lent courtesy of the artist. 1. Anonymous, Pulque mug, c. 1300, El Tajin, Mexico 7. 25" x 4" dia; hand formed ceramic with painted imagery applied after firing; mug used for religious ceremonial drinking of pulque also called octli, an alcoholic beverage made from maguey, an agave plant. Private collection.