Examination Exam Essay
" 11 The root of this concept purposes that, if a human is genetically sound, he or she will be able to develop these abilities regardless of other circumstances, such as, where they were born, or who they were born to. This is the naturalistic and innateness of our nature that will allow a human to obtain and use capacities such as thinking, reasoning and communication. In addition to his naturalistic view of humans and their abilities to think and communicate, He also believes there is universality to these traits, especially with regards to morality, that can be found across different cultures. Chomsky 1998 supports this idea with the fact, that people of different cultures can, and do, find common ground on which to have discussions as he states in an interview with Kate Soper:. "We can begin to see human nature in terms of certain capacities to develop certain mental traits. I think we can go further than this and begin to discover universal aspects of these traits which are determined by human nature. I think we can find this in the area of morality. For example, not long ago I talked to people in the Amazon tribes and I took for granted that they have the same conception of vice and virtue as I do. It is only through sharing these values that we were able to interacttalk about real problems such as being forced out of the jungle by the state authorities. I believe I was correct to assume this: we had no problem communicating although we were as remote as is possible culturally. " 1 Chomsky builds and extends this universal morality to every culture and every individual and states that they do the things they do to enhance human life.

College Course Reflection Paper
There are up to 40 points to be checked in each station. Some OSCEs may also include a checklist to be filled out by the standardized patient. SPs will reveal information when specific related questions are asked. They wont voluntarily give you information as some times happens in real life patient encounters. For example, if you don't ask about all their medication now and in the past, they wont show you a printed list of their medication. Although you will be evaluated for all the above listed skills in each OSCE station, they are weighed differently from station to station. For example, an emergency station management of a comatose patient scenario will weigh medical knowledge and examination skills more than communication skills up to 90%. While a long suffering depressed patient in a psychiatric scenario station will weigh communication skills up to 60 70% of the station mark. You need to be alert throughout the encounter to all of the above listed points and, yes, this is not easy but not impossible. You have to develop a a way to perform these OSCEs so that all the above points have been taken care of automatically and practice it so that it will be an eternal part of your future practice. Is that possible?.
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it is seen in glomus tumour, high jugular bulb and aberant carotid artery in the floor of middle ear. SCHWARTZ SIGN It is also called flamingo flush sign. it is seen because of increased vascularity in submucous layer of promontory in active phase of otosclerosisotospongiosis. STEEPLE SIGN X ray finding in Acute laryngotracheobronchitis CROUP. The steeple sign is produced by the presence of edema in the trachea, which results in elevation of the tracheal mucosa and loss of the normal shouldering lateral convexities of the air column. STANKIEWICKS SIGN indicate orbital injury during FESS. fat protrude in to nasal cavity on compression of eye ball from outside . THUMB SIGN It is a thumb like impression due to enlarged epiglottis seen on X ray lateral view neck in patients with acute epiglottitis. Direct visualization of the epiglottis by laryngoscope, if attempted, reveals a beefy red, edematous epiglottis. TEA POT SIGN is seen in CSF rhinorrhoea. This could be related to the relationship of the sphenoid ostium to the sinus floor.