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This PDF contains a link to the full text version of your article in the ACM DL, adding to download and citation counts. ACM Interactions magazine is responding to the COVID 19 crisis with a new editorial platform, inviting makers, designers, and writers to share observations, ideas, and experiences in blog form that address the pressing matters we face in this pandemic. The website has been reconfigured to spotlight the blog posts as they arrive. Visit the site to read the entries and learn how you can contribute your own insights. Technology developments in Southeast Asia, Oceania, and Asia Pacific countries including Japan and Korea are highlighted in this special section of its April issue. The inventive minds of the researchers and practitioners in the region have put computing technology to great use as illustrated in diverse applications ranging from preserving cultural heritage to services designed to enhance the digital economy. Trends include advances in 5G, research in program analysis and trustworthy computing, and government initiatives in artificial intelligence and healthcare. This section is free to read in the ACM Digital Library: click on the Table of Contents and scroll to the middle of the page to access the articles. More precise search. Alerts when new articles in your area of interest are published. Expanded article pages.
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html?If you've read anything about the investigation and court case that's now unfolding you'll know that what started out as a suspicious assault has turned into a national outrage, and local authorities are dealing with some pretty serious backlash that includes death threats being made against their families. On Wednesday night, CBS News reported that the FBI had opened an investigation into such threats on local sheriff Fred Abdalla's family and a suspected computer virus that targeted the Steubenville police chief. It's unclear who the suspects might be, and the FBI isn't commenting on the probe. In a way, this new FBI investigation is a bit of a relief. The small football crazed town of Steubenville has been obviously overwhelmed since scrutiny from Anonymous has been helping to elevate the investigation to viral status on the web. The firestorm of attention came to a head last weekend when 1,300 protesters descended on the town's city hall for an event dubbed Occupy Steubenville. Sheriff Abdalla even made an appearance, after having said on the radio that he was "coming after" Anonymous. Since Anonymous doesn't take too well to threats, this might've had something to do with the death threats that he received over email and social media in the days after the rally. Then, on Tuesday, police reported "some type of shooting threat" being made on social media prompting a lockdown on all local schools that lasted nearly two hours. So you could say things have been tense. The more we learn about Steubenville and its long history of corrupt leadership, though, the more we can understand how this case pushed people over the edge.
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He explained succinctly. 2/2 of what kind of endpoints which are NOT pertinent to treating RA are evaluated in a large enough sample size which gives us statistically sound confidence that there is a meaningful therapeutic effect efficacy. That is the question. Also, label extension is treated like a new drug as per Indian laws and cant be the basis of skipping 3rd phase trials as KMS seems to suggest, if I didnt get her wrong. PSA: A "label extension" is considered a new drug under Indian laws. Also, safety in psoriasis is not the same as safety in COVID 19. 3. Issue with the phase 2 trial method itself it was designed using a method called Simons Two Stage design, but that is something thats used for testing new drugs, and typically for diseases where the number of patients is inherently small Itolizumab has existed since 2013 so its not a new drug + Covid patients are LARGE. But he happens to be electrical engineering professor who possibly cannot be quoted on the right approach to a clinical trial!His expertise seems to be bio medical devices / manufacturing etc. The professor in the deptt of electrical engineering who studied electrical flow patterns in submersible pumps and tyres. A PhD he is and with zero prejudice to his craft, how is he an expert on medicine and drugs.
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46 Though Klan activity in Washington had centered on anti Catholicism, the Act nationally neutralized one of the Klans main platforms for recruitment, namely, the threat of large scale immigration. 47The internal conflicts among members of the Klan and public scandals involving its leadership added to its decline in the mid 1920s. The Ku Klux Klan from the beginning was a corrupt organization, where its leaders cared more about personal gain than from the benefits of the organization as a whole, despite the organizations preaching about living a corruption free life. Also, the loyalty to the local group far outweighed the loyalty to the national organization, which made it hard for national leaders to exercise control and consistency of the group as a whole. It also led to factions of the group breaking off and forming groups similar to the Klan, which the Klan did not tolerate. The corruption from the top since the beginning led to many public battles, which did not bode well for a secret organization like the Klan. As historian David Chalmers writes,Almost invariably internal disputes brought a flurry of charges and countercharges in the press and in the courts. Not only was it harmful to the Klan to have its dirty linen always being washed in public, but the spectacle of a secret, terrorist organization settling its internal problems in court was not one to inspire fear or respect. 48A group of rebellious Klansmen in Pennsylvania broke away from the invisible empire and Evans promptly filed a $100,000 damage suit against them, confident that he could make an example of the rebels. To his surprise the Pennsylvania Klansmen fought back in the courts and the resulting string of witnesses told of Klan horrors, named members and spilled secrets. Newspapers carried accounts of testimony and the enraged judge threw Evans case out of court.