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, M. Phil. , NET, Ph. D. Error Analysis and Paragraph Writing . Ali Akbar Khansir, Ph.

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Lets hope that its not too late to save her. This is the sort of story that I really hate but feel obligated to discuss. I hate these stories because they usually portend the unnecessary death of a cancer patient, often a child with cancer whose parents refuse chemotherapy or who refuses chemotherapy and is unfortunate enough to have a parent who either has alternative medicine proclivities herself, lacks the guts to tell the child that hes getting treated for his own good and he doesnt have a choice in the matter, or, in a couple of cases that Ive discussed, conflates using indigenous peoples medicine instead of chemotherapy as a way of asserting their cultural identity. In the vast majority of these cases, the child has a highly curable lymphoma or leukemia. Not infrequently, the child undergoes one or two rounds of chemotherapy, and the child and/or parent, alarmed at the side effects, decides that the child doesnt need the rest of the chemotherapy course. This seems to be more likely to happen if the child has a great response to the first round or two of chemotherapy and goes into complete remission.
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W. , Pinto, J. E. , and Runkle, D. E. 2007. Why Do People Travel? . Presented at Ezine Articles. Available at: hy Do People Travel?Last accessed 1st August, 2009. Simcox, K. 2004.