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DLYuUB5XC4She is also heavily involved with Facing History and Ourselves that as I have written actually misportrays the causes of the Holocaust in order to push the communitarian change narrative. Same video on Facing History site. f George W Bush is the one who appointed her as ambassador and that is what appears to be the case, it fits with those commentators who have hyped GWB as a promoter of communitarianism. from Elliott Abrams explains Glendons views of humanity and the role of her Catholic faith in how she sees UDHR. Remember it was GWB who rejoined UNESCO. Here she is in 2004 on wanting to use the law affirmatively to enshrine UCHR uman%20Rights%20Day%202014/The%20Rule%20of%20Law%20in%20the%20Universal%20Declaration%20of%20Human%20Rights.
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This is dangerous!Thank you for sharing!A warning to women who have suffered abuse and are looking to work with a therapist. There is a male therapist out there who specializes in working with abused women, who is himself a narcissist. When a woman becomes his client he takes an overly long history to establish whether you will enable his antics, or whether you might stand up to him and be a threat. If he thinks you are a threat he gets rid of you by overcharging and continuously prevaricating with regards to the next appointment. In my case, when I did not take the hint, he got real nasty and said that I had made him feel uncomfortable and now he intended to make me pay, he also said that he had shown my case notes to other people, which was a clear breach of his client confidentiality code. First published in International Socialism 2:32, Summer 1986, pp. 344. Republished in Chris Harman, Marxism and History, Bookmarks, London, 1998, pp. 754. Online edition prepared by Marc Newman, June 2003. Copied with thanks from the Red Flag Archive.